With an abundance of Iberia Parish business opportunities, our economy is strong and healthy, and has a positive outlook for the future! Choosing Iberia Parish has never been easier! Iberia Industrial Development Foundation is involved in special initiatives that give you a chance to find out more about the Iberia community and all it has to offer your business. Whether through trade shows, special events or one-on-one consultation, Iberia and IDF are on the road and ready to assist you in your quest to find that new site or expand that existing facility to meet growing demand.
In an area driven by the oil and gas industry and the skills that make it work as well as being blessed with favorable weather patterns for our agriculture-rich industry, the IDF keeps a keen eye on key economic indicators such as Oil and Gas, Retail, Employment, and Airport statistics and their potential impact on a companies’ business decisions.
Working with You
Offering information and services to successfully create and operate business enterprises in Iberia Parish, the IDF Small Business Advisory Program is just one way the IDF works with owners to understand the impact of these economic indicators and how they affect various industries. Respecting the unique and ever-changing needs of businesses within Iberia Parish, we can steer your business to the proper incentives that fits your needs the best, from Louisiana small business grants to various Louisiana Economic Development incentives.