Best Life Iberia logo

A quality of living initiative of the Iberia Development Foundation, our purpose is to empower, energize and inform! BestLife Iberia is an information hub for programs and activities that impact health, nutrition, and other lifestyle issues affecting citizens and visitors of Iberia parish.

Your support is our driving force! With the backing of dedicated individuals like you, the Foundation is able to continue to invest in the community we all love, and have a positive impact in the lives of those in need.

Delcambre Seafood & Farmers Market, Iberia Community Garden, Sugar City Grower’s, Heirloom Produce Cooperative, Weekly Radio Show…the list goes on and on and on!!

Iberia Development Foundation (IDF)

Iberia Parish, Louisiana and communities of New Iberia, Jeanerette, Loreauville, and Delcambre are ready to welcome you!
The Iberia Development Foundation (IDF) was founded in 2011 to perform community and economic development activities within Iberia Parish. The Iberia Development Foundation is a non-profit organization with a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

A Great Quality of Living

Making Business Happen

The primary facilitator of Economic Development Activities for the Iberia Parish, we connect current and potential businesses with the abundance of resources this area has to offer. We bring together all the information and services needed by site selectors, expanding businesses and entrepreneurs to locate, create, and operate business enterprises in Iberia Parish.

Helping local companies of all sizes grow and prosper, we offer comprehensive business planning services as well as information on programs designed to help in expanding your business. Offering planning, preparation and insight, the IDF can help in alliances with communities and individuals that make new business happen.

Just the Right Balance!

A place where you can live, work, and play, Iberia Parish boasts rural areas with an urban feel. Helping local companies of all sizes grow and prosper, Iberia Industrial Development Foundation is there for current and potential businesses.

Savoring the sense of community and cutting edge technology that abounds in the area, Iberia Parish is highly connected to the surrounding Lafayette metropolitan area, where you have access to all the amenities of the city without the hustle and bustle of heavy traffic.

Board Members

  • Calvin Begnaud
    DJW Insurance Agency, Inc.

  • Fran Henderson
    Boudreaux, Henderson & Company, LLP

  • Jim Wiggins
    Hi-Tech Automotive

  • Josh Pellerin
    Copynet, LLC

  • Liz Bodin

IDF Leadership

  • Michael J. Tarantino
    President and CEO

  • Evelyn Ducote
    Administrative Assistant

Contact Us

You can reach the IDF staff by calling the IDF offices at (337) 367-0834
or by sending an email to